Bones Family 2022 Day 22

October 22 – After all the hustle of the last couple of days, the Bones pop into the lounge for some cards, darts, and brews. Their favorite bartender, Dean, makes sure to mix up their drinks with a story or two. Fishbait is up to his old tricks (but really are you even a pirate if you don’t cheat at cards), but Mrs Bones was a bit of a card shark in her day, so she is as calm as the grave.
Meanwhile, Basil is hard at work. At the Cat and Cauldron, we take safety very seriously. “Safety third” is our motto…but not our main motto, a tertiary motto, if you will. #ohsnapthebonesareback
Bones Family Story-writer/Creator: Sarah Garcia

Bones Family FB Page:

*Click through each of the images below to see details of what is going on within the day!