Bones Family 2022 Day 17

October 17 – Sometimes being the one to volunteer to watch the kids is hard. The kids have found that Little John, being a Brobdingnagian youth, makes a perfect jungle gym. However, it is Jarlson’s climbing skills that has Grace the most on edge. Ah, future mauraders will be future mauraders.
Meanwhile, Ug’s turn at Pictionary has everyone stumped…they have guessed sitting, dancing, Hammer Time, squats, Cha-Cha Slide, invisible chair…come on guys, get it together! Even we know Ug drew Brother-in-Law. Yea! Point for us!…oh, we’re not playing?…no, no, that’s cool, didn’t want to play anyways. #ohsnapthebonesareback
Bones Family Story-writer/Creator: Sarah Garcia

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*Click through each of the images below to see details of what is going on within the day!